Thursday 7 June 2007

Other peoples sites

One good website:

The world of warcraft website has a lot of funding an expertise behind it, so it is very well made. Considering how many sub pages are included and animations going on, it loads very quickly. It is interesting to look at and simple to use, a perfect website. Comparing this site to my own would be irrelevant because I don’t have nearly enough funding or skill to make a site anywhere near this level. However, I will try! An attractive background, an effective layout and plenty for the eye to look at will be the similarities between my site and the wow homepage.

Bad Website:

This site is terrible, it uses un attractive colours, its horrible to look at and it seems little effort has gone into it. It wouldn’t be as bad if it wasn’t a professional site created for selling products.

Good myspace:

This myspace is well made, I think the colours and the theme fit in well, the text matches and the music plays automatically. Its anime theme is impressive and interesting to browse.
Bad myspace:

This myspace is not so good, it uses one main background instead of a theme, its too dark and the music doesn’t plays automatically.

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